Everything you need for a career in entertainment

    Contacts has been the industry ‘address book’ for decades. Featuring listings for agents, casting directors, drama coaches, showreel services, photographers and much more it’s the go-to site for anyone working, or wanting to work, in the UK entertainment industry. 

    Contacts is the perfect tool to help you find an agent, photographer, drama school, voice coach or someone to help you brush up on your salsa.

    Are you a photographer, drama coach, accountant or anyone who provides services to people in the entertainment industry? Be found quickly and easily by performers, the UK’s top agents and casting directors. Create your free customisable listing now.

    Contacts allows you to connect with anyone interested in a performing career plus more than 65,000 Spotlight members including thousands of top agents and the cream of UK and international casting professionals. Your listing can also include discounts exclusive to Contacts, giving you the opportunity to boost visits to your site.

    Search by location, call or email directly from the site, filter by discounts, specialism or professional membership. You can sort your search by distance from your preferred location, or alphabetically.

    Take an enhanced listing with additional features and appear more prominently in search results for industry contacts. No other listings site lets you target your services to the elite of UK performers and beyond. Check out some of the benefits of an enhanced listing.

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