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News & Advice
Details about Spotlight’s new partnership with Source Elements and the Source-Connect discount Spotlight members can enjoy. We’re delighted to announce our new partnership with Source Elements – a software company who help creative people from around the world connect and collaborate. This partnership means that Spotlight members can now enjoy a discount on essential voiceover […]
An overview of what is meant by ‘immersive theatre’ and what you should know about it as an actor before considering this type of work. Theatre is a truly unique experience that can suspend disbelief, entertain thousands and connect us to our humanity. This is taken one step further by immersive theatre, which eliminates the […]
Australian actor Connor Delves discusses co-founding The Australian Theatre Festival NYC, his recent role at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and his advice for international actors looking for work in the UK. The UK is fast becoming home to an array of talent. Actors hailing from all over the world have packed up and headed to […]